Ford - Kuga soon will appear in Russia. It look forward, of it ask the price. Founders of the car allocate especial, "kinetic" design, draw parallels with before last year's концептом «Iozis Х». Mark whimsical light engineering, an expressive combination of two радиаторных lattices, underline purposefulness cars.

Ford fiesta black magic

Ford Fiesta Black Magic

The compact car of the company of Ford under name Fiesta uses the deserved popularity all over the world – this small and nice possesses the attractive price and good profitability. Shortly the production cycle of present generation of this model will come to an end and in Ford already prepare equivalent replacement.

Ford has confirmed plans to start the highly effective version of the Fiesta next year.
Ford should let out more powerful version of Fiesta C-1.6L with Turbodvigatelem with capacity approximately 200h/p.

Serge Lutens Daim Blond


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updating: Понедельник, Сентябрь 14, 2015